Melee ROM now and enjoy playing this game on your computer or phone. As Break sounds for the Axe and Frying Pan weapons can still be found in the game files. Every melee weapon delivers a one-hit-kill against all Common and Special Infected (apart from the Charger, Tank and Witch, the former of which takes two). Melee is a fantastic fighting game, released exclusively for the Nintendo Gamecube in 2001. UPDATE (July 14): Mac and Linux builds are now officially supported as of Slippi version 2. It is not a traditional one-on-one fighter, but an arena-based, four-player game - somewhat along the lines of Power Super smash bros brawl can become the favorite game for the fans of fighting simulators. Simple melee combat game i made, it is my first work with unity. This version is correct as far as Active/Real Points go. Start a new game and when your hands are free for the first time press ~ to bring up the console. Please set your cookie preferences for Targeting Cookies to yes if you wish to view videos from these providers.